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  • 2015安徽教师招聘考试复习资料:英语阅读教学读后设计案例分析(2)

    2015-05-25 14:09 安徽教师招考网 来源:安徽教师招考网


      Task 2: writing

      Work in groups of four. Supposing you were a poor roebuck, due to your dangerous situation, you feel the urge to write a letter to the WWF to call for help for your family.



      1. 导入呈现的单词和操练环节的核心单词不一致,建议前面的讲解少些(只是为了扫除阅读障碍),操练的核心单词需要多一些穿插的铺垫。

      2. 读后讨论活动,任务切口太大,需要给予适当引导;

      3. 写作任务综合性强,缺乏相关的语言铺垫。


      Learning goals:

      1. Students will be able to use some words and expressions about wildlife protection in topic-related activities. (wildlife, in the wild, decrease, be in danger of dying out, endangered species, without mercy, in relief, feel relieved, habitat, nature reserve/ protection zones, protect from, live in peace/harmony with)

      2. Students will be able to summarize the three aspects that Daisy learned about wild life protection by analyzing the text structure and understanding the detailed information of the text.

      3. Students will be able to share their knowledge about wildlife protection.

      4. Students will be able to carry out an imaginary interview on a topic-centered situation by using some topic-related vocabularies (in accordance with the subtopics of the reading).

    课前板书:amazing/amazed; wildlife; in the wild; in nature; be in danger of; endangered species; protect, protection; decrease; be in relief=feel relieved
    课前准备:播放有关野生动物和自然的影片(配音乐),以渲染课堂气氛并激发学生的学校情绪,激活主题(wildlife protection)意识。

      Teaching procedures:

      Step 1: Greeting and Presentation

      Teacher: The beauty of nature is really amazing. It really makes us amazed. Right? Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. I’m Fancy. I’m from a place famous for yellow wine, a place full of water and mountains and of course animals.

      I love animals. I love cats and dogs, because they can make good friends. I love dolphins, because they are lovely and can play wonderful ball games. I love all kinds of birds, because they are colorful. Do you like animals?

      Students: Yes.

      Teacher: Fantastic! Same interest! So can you tell me the animal you like best?

      Students: (one by one) I like dogs, because they can keep me company and comfort me when I am lonely.

      I like pandas because they’re cute and lovely.

      I like monkeys because they are clever.

      Teacher: Yes, I agree with you. They are among the most intelligent animals.

      I like elephants because they are big and …

      Teacher: powerful, strong, right?

      Teacher: thank you for your wonderful opinions. In this world, there are so many animals. Cats and dogs are kept at home. They are not wildlife. Wildlife grows in the wild or in nature. Animals like dinosaurs, we can only see them in the pictures or museums, for they have died out, or they are extinct. Some wildlife like golden monkeys, pandas and Tibetan Antelopes, their number is decreasing. They are in danger of dying out. In this case, we call them endangered species (kind). These animals need our help. Luckily, many people in this world are fond of animals, just like you and me.

      Step 2: pre-reading

      A brief introduction of the main character and the story.

      Teacher: And also a little girl called Daisy. She had always longed to help the endangered species of wild life. (呈现ppt) Here “long to do sth.” Means…

      Students: … “Want to do sth. for a long time.”

      Teacher: Yeah, now let’s have a look at the title of the reading: “How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife.” This is a story, right?

      Students: Yes.

      Teacher: For a story, we can read its first paragraph fast and discover the background of the story.

      Step 3: Fast reading

      Teacher: Then read the first paragraph fast and try to find the answer to the question: “What happened to Daisy one day?” That’s also the background of the story.

      Student: One day, she woke up and found a flying carpet.

      Teacher: A flying carpet, a carpet that can fly. They are magical. That means it can take Daisy to different places in a very short time, right? So in this way, she went on a magical journey.

      Then, where had she been? Now skim the whole text and pick out the key information about her journey: the places she went, the animals she saw and her different feelings.

      (学生快速阅读,完成表格,教师穿插讲解relieved, amazed)

      Fast reading

    Daisy’s stops animals Her feeling
    Tibet (Para. 1) An antelope Sad
    Zimbabwe (Para. 2) An elephant Happy/relieved
    A rainforest (Para. 3) A monkey Amazed
    Back home (Para. 4) Learned so much about wildlife protection & WWF

      Teacher: From this chart, we know the structure of the whole text. We also know that Daisy had different feelings at different stops. Then what caused her to be sad, happy and amazed? This time we’ll go deep into the first three paragraphs for more detailed information.
























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