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  • 2017安徽教师招聘考试故事教学法对小学英语词汇教学的启示

    2016-11-15 16:07 安徽教师招考网 来源:安徽华图









      1. 整体故事创编。小学英语词汇教学中故事法的应用不是强加的无意义的故事,而应是经过精心设计的、生动有趣的故事。创编故事过程中应考虑学生的生活体验和兴趣,实现教材、生活和故事教学的融会贯通。

      2. 创设情境,呈现故事。既要创设真实、自然的情境,同时应不断拓展英语学习的渠道,充分利用教学动画、教学图片、歌曲等教学元素,从而让故事更加生动有趣、易于理解。

      3. 故事体验阶段。教师引领学生体验故事,同时将教学内容融入故事中。在此阶段教师既是教学活动的引导者,也是参与者,应充分发挥材料内容,将词汇、句式、词义进行系统解读和学习,鼓励学生模仿,培养学生的自主学习能力。

      4. 探究活动阶段。在讲故事和演故事之后可以将词汇教学进行巩固强化。学生可以在学习了词汇语音后消化吸收,转化为自身的语言输出,同时根据自己的生活体验或故事情境中得到的真实体验进行故事的续编或者创新。

      三、小学英语词汇教学中故事法的实际案例(以PEP三年级上Unit2 Colors为例)

      I. Teaching Topic: Colors

      II. Teaching Aims:

      1. From the story students can understand, read and spell the words: blue, green, yellow, red, orange, pink and brown. SS can understand and use the sentence: It’s _______.

      2. Students can understand and read the story with help of pictures, words and scenes.

      3. From the story students can understand words of colors, implied idea of the story, and stimulate the Students to love the colorful nature and love life.

      III. Teaching key points and difficult points

      1. Students can understand, read and spell the words: blue, green, yellow, red, orange, pink and brown. SS can understand and use the sentence: It’s _______.

      2. Students learn to understand the story and know the meaning.

      3. Students develop their feelings to love colorful nature.

      IV. Teaching procedure

      Part 1: blue/It’s_______

      Led-in: Sing the song the Colors along the video.


      Step 1. Introduce the story (with the help of multimedia pictures)

      Teacher tells that the sheep family will hold a big party next week. But the sheep are sad because they don’t know what clothes to wear. And then Sister Rainbow flies here. PPT shows the story through cartoon pictures and words. Introduce the rainbow and Xiyangyang and put the Pictures on the blackboard.

      R: Hello, pretty sheep. What can I do for you?

      X: We want to go to a big party. But what should I wear、

      R: Don’t worry. I can help you ( Blue of the rainbow jumps out and flies around Xiyangyang)

      Y: Wa, it’s blue.

      X: Thank you very much.

      Step 2. Interaction between teacher and students: develop the story ( learn the story)

      T: Who does the sheep meet?

      S: The rainbows.

      T: How many colors?

      S: seven.

      T: What are the sheep doing? Do you remember? Let’s watch again.

      T: They are looking at the sky. They are worried about their clothes.

      T: What color is Xiyangyang’s clothes?

      S: It’s blue.

      SS: blue, blue, blue, it’s blue.

      T: What will the rainbow say to other sheep? Let’s fill in the blanks.

      T: Listen and read the part of the story.


      Part 2. Green/red/yellow. It’s ______.

      Step 1: Introduce the story and learn the words.

      R: Do you want a new shirt, Man Yanyan?

      F: Yes, I do.

      R: OK, look!

      Y: Oh, It’s green. So good.

      Step 2. Group work: perform the story (learn the story)

      T: Now, Xi Yangyang and Man Yangyang have got their new clothes. Who are the next one?

      S: Nuan Yangyang.

      T: What color is her dress?

      S: It’s red.

      T: What about other sheep? What color are their clothes? Let’s read the part of the story in your groups.

      T: Let’s perform the story.


      Part 3: pink, brown

      Step 1 Introduce the story and learn the words

      Teacher tells that other sheep have got their clothes, but Mei Yangyang and Fei Yangyang haven’t got anything. Why?

      R: What do you want?

      M: I want a pink dress, can you help me?

      F: I want a brown shirt.

      R: Sorry, but I think someone will help you.

      T: who did not get the new clothes?

      S: Mei Yangyang and Fei Yangyang.

      T: Why?

      S: They want pink and brown.

      SS: Pink, pink, pink, it’s pink.

      Brown, brown, brown, it’s brown.


      Part 4. Purple/orange

      Step 1: Introduce the story and learn the words

      R: Oh, purple, yellow? Who wants a purple dress? Who wants an orange cap?

      Step 2: Discuss the story and SS review

      Make up and continue the story (Who will get the purple dress and the orange cap?)


      Part 5. Summary.

      Part 6. Homework.


















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