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  • 2018安徽教师招聘面试之《Unit 4 At the Farm》说课稿

    2018-06-06 16:25 安徽教师招考网 来源:安徽教师招考网

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     2018安徽教师招聘面试之《Unit 4 At the Farm》说课稿

      Good morning, respected judges. I am No.1 candidate, applying for English teacher of primary school. My topic today is “At the Farm”. To make my presentation much clearer, I will describe my thoughts in the following 6 aspects: analysis of teaching material, analysis of students, teaching methods, learning methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design.

      To begin with, I will analyze teaching material. This lesson comes from Part A of Unit 4, PEP Primary English, Book 4 and it includes two parts: Let’s learn and let’s chant. In part 1, it mainly deals with the new words and a dialogue about describing the vegetables. And in part 2, it is a chant for the students to practice the new words. This lesson is close to students’ daily life, so it is helpful for the students to learn this unit. According to the New Curriculum Standard, the teaching objects are divided into 3 parts:

      Firstly, knowledge and skill objects are to enable the Ss to listen, read and write the new words of some vegetables and its plural form: tomatoes, potatoes, green beans and carrots; they can describe the shape and color of the vegetables.

      Secondly, process and method objects are to develop Ss’ ability of speaking and to train the Ss’ ability of communication in the real situation.

      Thirdly, emotional and attitude objects are to foster Ss’ awareness of healthy eating and cherishing food.

      Based on analysis of teaching material, the key points of this lesson are to help students listen, read and write the new words and sentences to describe vegetables. The difficult point is to help the students to pay attention to the plural form of the words and to pronounce them correctly.

      According to the teaching objects and the students’ physical and psychological characteristics, I will adopt the Audio-Visual method to establish a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the students. Task-based language teaching method offers the students an opportunity to complete the tasks in which students use language to achieve a specific outcome.

      At the same time, make use of the modern electricity teaching equipments and all kinds of teaching means, it can mobilize the students’ enthusiasm and creativity in learning English.

      Then we come to the most important part--teaching procedures, which will be demonstrated in the following steps:

      Step 1.Lead-in

      In this step, I will establish a real scene that Old Macdonald invites all students to go to his farm. And then with the help of a picture, lead the students to speak out what they can see at the farm.

      Design purpose: Crate a real scene makes the class much more vivid, and students’ interest will be raised as well.

      Step 2. Presentation

      I will lead the students go around Old Macdonald’s farm. As students are familiar with the appearance of the common vegetables, I will draw a tomato on the blackboard, and then lead the students to learn the new words “tomato”. Next, I will draw more tomatoes on the blackboard, and then to teach the plural form “tomatoes” and its pronunciation. After that, I will give them an example to describe the shape and color of vegetables, such as “Look at the red tomatoes. They are so round.”

      In the same way, I will lead the students to learn the other new words and its plural form “tomatoes, green beans, potatoes, carrots”. In the end, I will discuss with the students about the changing rules of the plural form.

      Design purpose: The application of drawing could help the students to connect the English words to their real life, and help the students to grasp the major knowledge of this lesson and make the learning much easier.

      Step 3. Practice

      Activity 1: Pair work. Students work in pairs, one student read the singular form of a vegetable, the other student give the plural form of the vegetables.

      Activity 2: Let’s chant. After pair work, I will lead the students to use the words we have learned today to make a chant and read it. After that, I will encourage students to make up their own chant to practice the new words.

      Design purpose: Practice the new words and its plural form through pair work and chant to strengthen their understanding of the knowledge.

      Step 4. Consolidation

      Task: A small seller. I will give a demonstration of how to sell something, and then encourage students to work in pairs to help Old Macdonald to sell his vegetables at the market, using the words and sentences we have learned today.

      Design purpose: Task-based teaching method is used here to develop students’ ability of communication and lead the students learning by doing.

      Step 5. Summary

      Ss make a summary on what they have learned this class, and I will make supplement that we have a happy time at Old Macdonald’s farm and we can recognize different kinds of vegetables, and we also learned how to read and describe these vegetables in English. What’s more, lead the students to know that it is important for us to eat healthily, and it is hard for the farmers to work on the farm, so we should not waste food.

      Design purpose: Check the Ss’ weak points and what they have learned this class. Teacher make supplements based on the students’ summary, and arouse the students’ awareness of healthy eating and cherishing food.

      Step 6. Homework

      Draw a picture of Old Macdonald’s farm and introduce his farm to your parents and friends.

      Design purpose: The homework is closely related to not only what we have learned in the class, but also closely related to students’ daily life, so it is effective to improve students’ ability of communication in the real situation, and at the same time review the knowledge of this lesson.

      Finally, I will talk about my blackboard design. I will draw the pictures of each kind of vegetables and give the English below the pictures to help the students to connect the vegetables name to their appearance.


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