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  • 2018安徽教师招聘面试之《 I’m Watching TV》试讲稿

    2018-06-04 16:05 安徽教师招考网 来源:安徽教师招考网

      安徽教师招考网同步安徽教师招考网考试动态信息:2018安徽教师招聘面试之《 I’m Watching TV》试讲稿。更多关于教师招聘备考资料,教育综合知识备考资料,安徽教师招考网,安徽,安徽教师招考网的信息的内容,请关注安徽教师招聘考试网,以及教师考试团(jiaoshitest)认证号和交流群(教师招聘考试QQ群)获取更多招考信息和备考资料。

      2018安徽教师招聘考试公告|职位表于5月29日发布,笔试成绩查询时间:7月23日,为帮助更多考生积极备考2018安徽教师招聘考试,安徽教师招考网为你准备2018安徽教师招聘考试练习资料,希望对你有所帮助!!欢迎加入2018安徽教师招聘考试交流群: 766286744 。最新招考,海量资料,在线网课,关注安徽华图教师官方微信(教师考试团:jiaoshitest)!点击下载教师在线APP,更多免费网课等你来学!

     2018安徽教师招聘面试之《 I’m Watching TV》试讲稿

      Teaching Aims:

      Knowledge aims:Ss are able to handle the phrases about activities: using the computer, making soup, reading a newspaper; and learn the sentences “What’s he/ she/ …doing?” /“What are they doing?” and “He/ She/ …is …”/ “They are …”

      Ability aims:Ss are able to talk about what people are doing with the structure “What’s he/ she/ …doing?” /“What are they doing?” and “He/ She/ …is …”/ “They are …”

      Emotional aims:Ss can develop their relationship by exchanging ideas on their daily life.

      Teaching Key and Difficult Points:

      Teaching Key Points:Ss are able to handle the phrases about activities and learn the use of the present continuous tense.

      Teaching Difficult Points:Ss are able to talk about what people are doing with the structure “What’s he/ she/ …doing?” /“What are they doing?” and “He/ She/ …is …”/ “They are …”

      Teaching Procedures:

      Step 1. Lead-in

      By sharing photos, T leads the Ss to talk about their weekend activities.

      T: Yesterday I told you to bring one picture of your weekend activities, and today I bring one, too. Now please look at my photo on the screen. Can you guess what do I usually do on weekends from the picture?

      Ss: Read books.

      T: You’ve got it. As you can see, I usually read books in my study on weekends. So it’s your turn to show your photos. Please talk about your activities with your deskmate and then I will invite some students to show their photos.

      (Ss show photos and talk about their weekend activities)

      T: Just now some students tell us what they usually do on weekends in the front and all of them have done a good job. Beside these activities, what can we do on the weekends? So we will learn more activities in our new lesson: I’m watching TV.


      Step 2: Presentation

      T presents some photos of doing activities: use the computer, make soup, read a newspaper; and guides the Ss to understand them.

      T: Here are some photos of other activities. Look at the first one, what can you see?

      Ss: Computer!

      T: Yes, it’s a computer. In this photo, I’m using the computer. (Stress and write down the sentence: I’m using the computer) Please read after me: using the computer; I’m using the computer.

      Ss: ……

      T: So what am I doing in the photo? (Point to the photo and the sentence on the blackboard)

      Ss: You’re using the computer.

      T: Very good.

      (T presents another two pictures of making soup and reading a newspaper, and leads the Ss to learn the phrases and sentences: “What’s he/ she/ …doing?” /“What are they doing?” and “He/ She/ …is …”/ “They are …”)


      Step 3: Practice

      Practice 1:Teacher leads the Ss to make dialogues with the newly learned phrases and sentences with some pictures in pairs,and invites some pairs to show their performance.


      Practice 2:Train game——T divides the Ss into groups and practice the sentences, and see which group can finish it fastest.


      Step 4: Consolidation

      Teacher creates a situation that you are visiting one of your friends and finds there are many other people. You want to make friends with them. Work in groups and make dialogues,then show it to the whole class.


      Step 5: Summary

      Teacher leads Ss to summarize the class and arouse their emotions.


      Step 6: Homework

      Observe 5 people when you go back home and write down what they are doing.



      招考信息--2018安徽中小学教师招聘公告 |职位表|成绩查询










      以上是2018安徽教师招聘面试之《 I’m Watching TV》试讲稿的全部内容,更多资讯请继续查看:安徽教师招考网安徽省中小学教师招聘考试网安徽教师资格证考试网

      本文【2018安徽教师招聘面试之《 I’m Watching TV》试讲稿】来源于安徽教师招考网,具体最终信息请以安徽教师招考网为准!








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